Mental Health Clinic

Mental Health Clinic at Children First

The development and growth of children depends on their physical, emotional, and social well-being. Emotional and behavioral problems are estimated to affect one in every five children, but less than half of those children receive the help they need. Thus, Children First Pediatrics has developed the Mental Health Clinic to provide integrated care to children, teens and their families.

The Mental Health Clinic is  staffed by Licensed Clinical Social Workers working with all ages from Pre-School through Adulthood and their families. Our goal is to collaborate with your child’s pediatrician to provide comprehensive assessment and treatment for common childhood issues in school, home, or primary care settings.  Our mental health team works closely with your Primary Care Provider at Children First to be sure you are getting a complete medical home model of high quality care and follow up.   Should your child need medication in addition to therapy, our Pediatricians can manage that for you.

Services of the Clinic include therapy, behavioral interventions (mostly for preschool age), parent coaching for families, children, and adolescents for a wide range of behavioral and emotional concerns, including: Anxiety, Depression/Mood concerns, Attention problems, Anger control and behavior concerns, Adjustment to life stressors, School concerns, Sleep problems, Potty Training, Autism Spectrum Disorders / Developmental Delay, Pain & Chronic Illness, Adherence to Medical Treatments & Pill Swallowing, Social skills deficits / Relationship problems, Healing from Trauma / Abuse, and Adoption/Foster Care issues.

Our mental health providers take an active, practical, and evidenced-based approach to treatment. Services begin with a thorough intake evaluation and initial recommendations are provided in the first one or two sessions. Additional psychological assessment or therapy services are scheduled based on your child’s presenting concerns and based on availability. In general, regular and consistent attendance to sessions by both your child and his/her parent(s) is necessary for therapy to be effective.

         Some things to know before you schedule a therapy appointment:

  • Our intake visits require a parent present regardless of the age of the child if under 18 yrs old.
  • There is no grace period for your therapy/intake visits to stay on time for appointments after you.
  • There is a no-show policy of $165 for failure to cancel your appointment more than 24 hrs in advance.
  • Our therapists bill to your mental health benefits through your insurance under Children First Pediatrics.
  • Copay/Deductible may apply and are due at the time of the visit.
  • Therapy notes are NOT posted on the patient portal or included in copies of medical records for the privacy protection of the patient.
  • All therapy/intake appointments last for about 1 hr
  • Any other questions or if you would like to discuss if your child would benefit from this testing,  please call our office as speak to your Pediatrician or our Administrator, Rachel Bakersmith.

To schedule an appointment, call 301-990-1664 , press x 111 for appointments or to be added to our waiting list.
Our Mental Health Clinic Providers:

Anna Rives, LMSW
Zeenie Safiullah, LMSW
Holly English, LCSW-C
Justin Miller, LMSW
Kathleen Zubatkin, LCSW-C